5 Infamous Arrested NBA Players 2024: You Didn’t Know

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Hearing that athletes, especially NBA players who have been arrested, are facing legal issues is always discouraging. When you’re a fan, you hope to trust in the moral fiber and principles of the players you admire, yet occasionally, they make decisions that result in repercussions, even for those who are among the highest echelons of the sporting world.

The NBA Health and Welfare Benefit Plan

The recent news about arrested NBA players has drawn attention to the NBA’s Health and Welfare Benefit Plan. In this section, we’ll provide a brief overview of this plan and its significance for NBA players.

The NBA Health and Welfare Benefit Plan is designed to provide medical, dental, and other health-related benefits to current and former NBA players. These benefits are crucial for maintaining the players’ physical and mental well-being during their careers and beyond. As a professional basketball player in the NBA, you can expect access to top-notch medical care and various health-related services through this plan.

Medical insurance coverage is one of the primary components of the NBA’s Health and Welfare Benefit Plan. This coverage typically includes hospitalization, surgery, prescription medications, and mental health treatment. Additionally, the plan offers dental and vision insurance to help players maintain good oral and eye health.

The NBA’s Health and Welfare Benefit Plan also emphasizes preventative care measures. This plan encourages players to maintain a healthy lifestyle and take necessary steps to avoid potential injuries or illnesses. Some preventative care services covered by the plan are regular check-ups, immunizations, and health screenings.

Infamous Cases of Arrested NBA Players

The Case of Terrence Williams

Terrence Williams, a former first-round NBA draft pick, faced severe legal consequences after getting involved in a $5 million healthcare fraud scheme. As a result, he received a 10-year prison sentence1.

The Arrest of Sebastian Telfair

Another former NBA player, Sebastian Telfair was arrested on multiple occasions, facing various charges. One of his most notorious arrests was related to weapons possession. The incidents led to his eventual conviction and sentencing to three and a half years in prison2.

Damon [Stoudamire] gave me advice of things I need to do to get through the whole season. The main thing is taking care of my body. I have to treat my body like a machine. What you put in it is what you’ll get out of it.

Sebastian Telfair

Trial of Shannon Brown

Shannon Brown, a former NBA player and two-time NBA champion, faced legal trouble when allegations of him firing a rifle in the direction of two potential home buyers surfaced. Though no injuries were reported, this case highlights the serious nature of the charges some NBA players have faced during their encounters with the law3.

Arrest and Indictment of Glen Davis

Glen “Big Baby” Davis made headlines for his career as an NBA player and his legal troubles. He was arrested in Maryland on drug possession and distribution charges and was also among 18 former NBA players indicted in a $4 million health insurance fraud scheme4.

Ruben Patterson’s Arrest

Ruben Patterson, another noteworthy NBA player, was arrested on multiple occasions during his career, including charges of domestic violence and a sex offense5. His arrests are yet another example of the legal troubles that have plagued some former players in the league.


  1. Ex-NBA player Williams sentenced in fraud case – ESPN
  2. Sebastian Telfair’s arrest – New York Daily News
  3. Shannon Brown’s trial and outcome – Sports Illustrated
  4. Former NBA players charged in $4M health care fraud scheme
  5. Ruben Patterson’s legal troubles – NBC Sports

Unwrapping the Fraud and Conspiracy

The Role of Fake Invoices

Central to the conspiracy was the use of fake invoices. The culprits generated fabricated documents to submit fraudulent claims. They ensured the invoiced amounts were significant enough to deceive the system, yet not excessively high to raise suspicion. By exploiting the loopholes in the verification process, they managed to get reimbursements for medical and dental expenses that never occurred or were not covered.

Scamming with False Claims

False claims played a significant role in this scheme, allowing the perpetrators to siphon millions from the health and welfare benefit plan. The arrested NBA players collaborated in submitting these false claims, alleging that they had received medical treatment or dental work when, in reality, these services were never rendered. The false claims were key in the scam’s success, as they were systematically filed and followed up to ensure timely reimbursement.

Aggravated Identity Theft in the Scheme

Another element involved in the conspiracy relates to aggravated identity theft. The criminals stole personal information, such as Social Security Numbers, from legitimate service providers and patients, both knowingly and unknowingly. This stolen information was used to create fake invoices and submit fraudulent claims, making it even more challenging for authorities to detect the scam.

While unwrapping this fraud and conspiracy involving arrested NBA players, it’s crucial to recognize the cunning tactics they employed. The combined efforts in generating fake invoices, submitting false claims, and resorting to identity theft enabled them to perpetrate this extensive scheme and defraud the NBA’s health and welfare benefit plan.

Implications and Sentences

In recent years, several arrested NBA players have faced legal repercussions for their involvement in fraudulent activities. This section delves into the sentences these players face, the restitution and repayments they must fulfill, and the future of the NBA’s health and welfare benefit plan after the fraud.

Sentences Faced by NBA Players

arrested nba players

Several former NBA players have been sentenced to prison terms for their roles in defrauding the league’s health and welfare plan. For instance, Terrence Williams received a 10-year sentence for leading a health care fraud ring that defrauded the NBA of over $5 million. Similarly, Keyon Dooling and Alan Anderson were sentenced to at least two years in prison for their involvement in the same multimillion-dollar fraud scheme.

Restitution and Repayments

In addition to their prison sentences, the convicted NBA players are also required to repay the fraudulently obtained funds. Dooling, for example, was accused of receiving $363,000 from fake claims and will be expected to make restitution for the amount defrauded. Similarly, other players found guilty in such schemes are asked to reimburse the NBA’s health and welfare benefit plan for the losses incurred.

Future of NBA’s Benefit Plan after the Fraud

As a result of these fraudulent activities, the NBA’s health and welfare benefit plan may need stricter measures to prevent further misuse. You could see increased oversight, more rigorous claim reviews, and strengthened verification processes put in place to safeguard the benefit plan from future fraudulent activities. Ultimately, these measures aim to protect the well-being of both the league and its players while ensuring fair access to benefits for all eligible NBA athletes.

Role of Legal Entities in the Cases

Role of FBI

arrested nba players

The FBI has been essential in investigating the healthcare fraud scheme involving former NBA players. This federal agency arrested 16 of the defendants, including Terrence Williams, who is considered the “leader” of the scheme. They have worked tirelessly in gathering evidence and coordinating with other legal entities to ensure justice is served.

Manhattan Federal Court Judgment

The Manhattan Federal Court is another crucial entity in the cases of arrested NBA players. The court is responsible for hearing the case, determining the facts, and ultimately deciding on the appropriate punishment for those convicted. In one notable case, a former first-round NBA draft pick was sentenced to 10 years in prison for using his people skills to entice others into participating in a $5 million health care fraud.

Throughout handling these cases, the Manhattan Federal Court has played a vital role in establishing a fair judicial system and ensuring that those who engage in fraudulent activities, including former NBA players, are held accountable for their actions.

My Personal Opinion

In my opinion, the instances of NBA players getting arrested are a reminder that even those we admire as athletes can face personal struggles and challenges. While it’s disappointing to hear about these incidents, it’s important to remember that everyone makes mistakes, and professional athletes are no exception.

These cases highlight the complexities of fame, pressure, and personal choices that individuals, including NBA players, must navigate. It’s a reminder that behind fame and success, they are human beings who can face difficulties and lapses in judgment like anyone else.


Who got suspended in the NBA?

Memphis Grizzlies star Ja Morant was suspended for 25 games of the 2023-24 season without pay for conduct detrimental to the league after the NBA investigated a second video of Morant, 23, holding a gun that circulated on social media on May 13.

Who has the most violations in NBA history?

The most fined player for the number of fines is Rasheed Wallace, who has been fined 8 times for a total of $205,000.

What NBA player got 23 years in jail?

Former Georgia Tech and NBA standout Javaris Crittenton, sentenced to 23 years in the August 2011 shooting death of Julian Jones, was granted an early release from prison this week due to an agreement with Fulton County’s former district attorney.

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Fabian Kühar
Articles: 320

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